


Pega platform uses a “Build for change” technology, enabling development without the usage of programming languages. A significant advantage of the platform is the improvement of interaction between business and IT. 

Our team fully consists of certified experts, ranging from Business Architects to Lead System Architects.

Our Pega implementations include:

KPI management package for Nornickel (2021)

CRS/KYC module at Alfa Bank (2020)

MPD (Income confirmation module)

Pega Marketing v1.3 implementation

Paperless document turnover package

One of our most significant Pega based developments is the KPI package, having its architecture been orchestrated in such a way that the flows developed enable flexibility and easy, quick adjustment to any business sector should a KPI management tool be required.

Our team also possesses expertise in the context of Camunda/Zeebe design and development patterns. 



Our development team has extensive knowledge with 20+ years of experience in IBM i programming from scratch, primarily within banking and finance domain. We have deployed IBM i programming technologies for decades in order to create a wide scope of retail banking products at EMEA’s largest banking institutions.

Banking modules:

Loan product

– provides support for the full lifecycle of both loan and card products.

Cash module

– manages cash flows of individuals and legal entities. 

Settlement system

– performs end-to-end processing of financial banking documents.

Transaction generator

– an agile instrument for operations’ rules accounting and execution setup, based on predefined templates.


– provides funds accounting automation for all operations passing through nostro accounts, as well as bank resources management.

Own developments:

i2Rest Server

– allows conversion of existing legacy RPGLE applications to Open APIs.


– i2Rest Server extension for Camunda BPM integration.


– solution for program message logging by means of their sending to syslogd server, stdout/stderr, or job log.


– Apache Kafka client’s library, adopted for ILE RPG/C software usage on IBM i platform.

System integration and adoption services:

Cross-platform interaction provision, based on open protocols (e.g REST, SOAP, gRPC), as well as on proprietary and custom protocols.

Software portability services on IBM I platform:

Examples of delivered projects:

  • Subversion
  • Expat
  • gSOAP
  • gRPC
  • LibHARU
  • Neon
  • nghttp2
  • Postgtes Libpq



Our team specializes in banking processes automation at all levels: ranging from low-level database and atomic web service development, to high level software, providing web interface for both staff and clients.

Our expertise covers both the support/customization of ready-made solutions, as well as fully tailored software development “from scratch”. 

Our portfolio comprises of:

Call center processes automation, with a capability of maintaining up to 2000 operators working simultaneously.

The secondary sales system for automation of both the offer selection and client onboarding processes, supported by various BPMN engines such as Pega, Camunda and Chordiant CFS. 

A system that forms and traces PUSH/SMS client messages

A system for storage and processing of client communications.

A range of integration applications for auxiliary data providers. 


Finastra FBTI

Finastra Fusion Banking Trade Innovation helps banking institutions deliver superior ways to finance trade and working capital needs.  

BTC have been in a long-established partnership with Finastra and an extensive expertise in the full lifecycle of FBTI delivery processes, including:






Our team’s implementation expertise covers trade and working capital finance, supply chain finance, reimbursements etc.  

Our unique developments in context of FBTI include a self-contained computational module for periodic charge lifecycle management, stretching far beyond relevant own FBTI capabilities in agility for local requirements, being integrable with any Trade Finance platform.